fbpx Keep up with the 21st century: develop your digital skills! | Seed Foundation

Keep up with the 21st century: develop your digital skills!

Seed Foundation will launch a 2X half-day training focusing to Entrepreneurial Digitalization for women entrepreneurs under the name QuickIT with the support of the Budapest Bank at the end of November. The goal is for women to increase their competitiveness in our increasingly digitalized world by developing their digital knowledge and skills.  

According to an EU survey, 57% of people with higher education are women, but only 24.9% of them studied in some IT field, and much less, just 13% are working in this sector (Women in the Digital Age, 2018.)

If due attention is paid to the development of women’s appropriate skills as well as to future labour market expectations in the digital transformation process, further significant results can be achieved by strengthening the economic role of women.

The SEED Foundation recognized this need by aiming to prepare women entrepreneurs for the digital challenge with 2 half-day intensive trainings. Participants will receive response what does the digital business mean. As part of the training, ladies get to know digital solutions in their business weekdays helping them to plan, to manage, to control their work processes and financial affairs, as well as in communication with customers and business partners during the evaluation and follow-up of business processes.

As is the case with the SEED Foundation training, participants can immediately apply their theoretical knowledge acquired in practice.

The organizers are waiting for this training women entrepreneurs considering digitalisation rather disadvantage than advantage, and who should like to get on in this world. The goal is to break down the barriers to digitalization in entrepreneurial women, to realize its benefits and to make use of the info-communication technology acquis in their everyday business by also improving their efficiency and by saving no little time.

Training dates: 
26-27 November, 2018
13-14 December, 2018

Application deadline:
For the first training dates: 21 November, 2018,
for the second training dates 3 December, 2018.
Application and further details: QuickIT képzés

